Tool kit presentation
The project capitalises on the potential of the non-formal education to expand young peoples’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes perceived as necessary in the labour market and thus supports the youth employability.
Partners will develop a tool-kit (collection) with learning scenarios, which will allow implementation of educative simulation games. Avoiding the constrains of the subject teaching, which is core to all levels of the formal education, the project steps on a practical approach, which allows youngsters to “dive” in a real life situations engaged in role-plays, action based or case based learning, led by youth workers. The training program, which will be prepared and tested by the project WoW will support the skills of the youth workers to implement successfully the tool kit and to work with peers.
Furthermore, the project goes beyond the understanding of the so called “transversal skills”, introduced by the European Framework for Key Competences (2006/962/EC) and covers wider range of competences, aiming at multidisciplinary and cross-topic approach.
It focuses on 5 priority topics, which work complementary and support the youth employability skills:
- Informational and communication technologies
- Media literacy
- Communication skills
- Sense of self & community
- Entrepreneurship
The collaboration with a partner institution from Chile will give a new perspective to the project. The involved youth workers will learn about the realities and practices in a country outside EU, which will widen their perception on the topical issues of the project and the scope of understanding about the similarities and differences in the globalised world.