WOW Youth


Toolkit - Mapuches Entrepreneurship Tour operators


Mapuches Entrepreneurship Tour operators

Learning areas » Business


We can being a tour operator and we can offer travels to discovery the Mapuche Communities

Target group

18-29 years


45 minutes

Educational topics

WOW priority topics covered:

  • Communication skills

Expected learning outcomes

Know what the social and communication skills are and what they consist of.
It identifies the difficulties of communication with tourists.
It discoveis the elements that facilitate communication with tourists.
Learn to handle various tools and techniques to enable more effective communication to maintain satisfactory relations and resolve conflicts.
Communicates in the Mapudungun tounge.


Place / Environment

ICT classrooms or the classroom with laptops.

Tools / Materials / Resources

Computer and internet

Step by step description of the activity / content

Collection of information (statistics of tourists) that visiting the Wild Protected Areas (WPA), information travel agencies, tour packages.

Digital maps or mapping of the Protected Wilderness Areas.

Mapping of Mapuche Communities in Southern Chile.

Mapping of special interests of touristic offers.

Mapping trails.

Each work group will pose as a mapuche tour operator, which will be presented as a final project.


A oral and in visual showroom format


Each participant complete a questionnaire to evaluate the session, and what he or she has learned. As well as their comments and proposals for methodological improvements and goals.

Assessment & Evaluation

The evaluation will be conducted with an edumetrico approach. The instrument will use a checklist or rating scale, through rubrics concerning the participation of the students. Will be evaluated:

- The capabilities of teamwork (if working in pairs)

- Problem solving.

- Creativity and innovation

-Skills In the use of Internet to find and select information. The operator will evaluate the final product: Draft special interest in tourism through a presentation.

