WOW Youth


Toolkit - The city and  its productive activities


The city and its productive activities

Learning areas » Green Ship


An activity to discover your city and its productive activities and to present research with PowerPoint.

Target group

Young people (18 – 25)
Previous skills: Use of Google and Power Point
Recommended size of the group: 10 students
Teams of two people


60 minutes

Educational topics

WOW priority topics covered:

  • Communication skills
  • Media literacy
  • Sense of self & community

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge of productive activities of different cities, skills to categorize and sort relevant information on the internet, teamwork abilities and problem solving skills.


In this session, each team will search information on google regarding the main productive activities of the city they live in and of a city where they would like to live. After, they will present it to the rest of their teammates, using Power Point as a tool to support the presentation. This will allow, at the end of the session, for the students to think about the similarities and differences of the city they live in relation to the other cities.


Students will learn about productive activities and will be more aware of where they live.

Place / Environment

ICT Classroom or Classroom with Laptops.

Tools / Materials / Resources

1 computer connected to the internet and with Power Point available for each participant or workteam.

Step by step description of the activity / content

  1. The trainer asks the teams to identify the main productive activities of the city they live in and of a city where they would like to live and prepare a presentation with the results of their work (5 min).
  2. The students google the requested information and make their power point presentation (which should include text and images) (20 min).
  3. Students present their work the class, supported by the Power Point presentation(5 min each presentation; Total time:25 min)
  4. The trainer asks the students to express their thoughts on the similarities and differences of the city they live in relation to other cities (10 min).


Each participant will complete a questionnaire to evaluate the session and what they learned. As well as their comments and suggestions for improvements.

Assessment & Evaluation

This  session  allows the  teacher  to  evaluate  learning  outcomes  by  observing  the   way  in which the students  work  during  the  training:


-Teamwork capabilities

-Problem solving

- Skills in using the Internet to find and select information and images


-Communication skills
