Part of the crew
Learning areas » Green Ship
Let's find out which is the best role for us in the Green Ship crew.
Target group
16-19 years old
divided into groups of 3-5 participants; if the trainees are more experienced, the small groups might be bigger than 5
90 mins
Educational topics
WOW priority topics covered:
- Communication skills
- Enterpreneurship
- Media literacy
- Sense of self & community
Expected learning outcomes
- the ability to recognize different professions; professional skills & personal qualities, necessary for exercising professional tasks
- the ability to conduct a constructive talk
- the ability to listen and understand the oponent’s point of view
- the ability to express opinion
“World Café”:
- in English:
- in Bulgarian:
discusion; brainstorming; mind-map
Place / Environment
Training hall, big enough to fit comfortably all participants, split in small groups, sitted around tables.
Tools / Materials / Resources
tables, flipchart paper (or ordinary paper); markers; stiky notes;( varies on the size of group)
Step by step description of the activity / content
Participants getting to know the “green ship’s” story (HAT). After that trainees are told to think of all the professions that the future employes of the Green ship will need. After discussing the professions, the trainees should be divided into groups (not more than 5 people in one group, in order to maintain the good rhythm of the exercise) and then decide on which 5/ 6 professions they will work. Every table has a different topic(profession).
Step by step:
- First the trainer explains the rules and procedures of the session (i.e. the rules of the World Café method).
- Every group has a timer for visiting all the tables, one by one (around 10 minutes for each table)
- At every table, every group discuss and gives ideas about all of the topics (don't waste too much time on that step).
- After dividing into groups- tables are set, each table have a flip chart paper (used as tablecloth), sticky notes(optional), markers.
- On every flipchart paper write a different profession, needed professional skills and personal qualities, necessary for exercising professional tasks.
- The sheet should look like a “mind map” one main bubble with main topic and five or more side topics( in bubbles). Trainees should write down an idea/s for every topic.
- All the ideas should be written or even drawn on the sheet of paper. Trainees can express their ideas on the paper in every possible way(drawing;sketch;paint;highlight;bold.)
- After finishing all the topics (for around 10min.) the groups rotate and start to work on different table with the different topic. That rotuine is repating itself till every group has visited each table at least 1 time.
- each time the groups rotates the trainer walks trough the previous group progress
- it should take around 50min.
- Up to the point that every group of trainees has been to every table and discussed every topic, there should be a quick brainstorming of the finished work. That is necessary because every trainee should know not only his or her’s group work, but also “the bigger picture” (everybody’s work)
- the trainees present the complete flipchart sheets. ( the finished work)
- could use a quick discussion about which parts of the flipcharts papers are completed and why they have done it like that, and if there were any problems, during the exercise
- every discussion talked through in the end aims to recognize the meaning of every profession and the importance of having the professional skills & personal qualities, necessary for exercising the exact professional tasks
- it should take around 20min.
The short discussion provokes accumulating feedback from the trainees themselvesAnother option is a questionnaire evaluation
Assessment & Evaluation
According to the specific scenario, the trainer may describe
the way they assess if the learning outcomes are achieved by the trainees